[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Hemp, the legal cousin of marijuana, is a miracle drug that you cannot get high on. Well, to get high on hemp, you’ll need to smoke a telephone cord worth of it. This is because the THC content in hemp is around 0.3% and lacks the psychoactive properties of marijuana.

Now, that we have got that out of the way, there are many other fascinating and interesting aspects when it comes to hemp.

Did you know that the word canvas is derived from cannabis? This is accurate because hemp fibers can also make a canvas.

With a variety of uses of hemp from textiles, medicines, nutrition, housing, etc, hemp is eco-friendly and sustainable.

So, here we have made this list to give you all a more clear understanding of hemp.

From the perspective of a farmer to that of an entrepreneur and an environmentalist, we have got them all. We have researched and curated the best Ted Talks on this plant-based marvel called hemp.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]And thus present to you with the final list of Top 10 Ted Talks on Hemp, give it a read:[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

1. Hemp Holds the Key to a Sustainable Future

“Go green by growing green!”

These words of wisdom are spoken by Amy Ansel, a proud advocate of industrial hemp. In this Ted Talks, she primarily focuses on the sustainability of marijuana’s legal cousin, hemp.

By 2030, the United Nations calls for a sustainable economy. To achieve that hemp should be the new prolific nature-based technology. And eventually, it will steer the global marketplace towards worldwide economic sustainability.

Amy understands this and is determined to make hemp play a key part in transforming the current economy.

Did you know that just like the buffalo used by the Native Americans similarly all the parts of hemp can be used? Starting from the plant’s fibrous stalk to its woody core, its seeds, flowers, and roots, all of it can be used as stated by Ansel.

From Henry Ford’s car to a 1500-year-old French bridge that was built from hempcrete, hemp was once a safer and sustainable alternative and it still is.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

2. Industrial Hemp: Transformation for NC Agriculture?

Hemp has been banned in the US for almost a century but has now made a comeback in 2019. Right after China and Canada, the US has now become the third-largest producer of hemp globally.

Jack Whitley, the speaker of this particular TED Talks on hemp starts the conversation by opening up about his struggles when it came to his family farm in North Carolina. He got into hemp while trying to keep this farm viable.[/vc_column_text][tm_image align=”center” md_align=”center” image=”10033″ lg_spacing=”padding_bottom:30″][vc_column_text]Research that started with his farmland soon turned into a much larger initiative. This has the potential to transform the economy and agricultural business of North Carolina for the better.
In the spring of 2017, North Carolina planted its first hemp.
It’s truly incredible how hemp has taken over the industry starting from textiles, paper, pharmacology and seeds, which is a superfood.
These days even automobile brands like BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Ford, and GM are looking for a sustainable source of energy and have thus switched to hemp.
Hemp with its staggering array of utilities is something that we all need.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

3. Building with Hemp

How great would it be if we didn’t have to pay so much for heating and cooling in our houses, right? Joni Lane, a LEED Green Associate delves into this idea in the video.

Hempcrete, a mixture of hemp hurds and lime is your sustainable material for construction and insulation. It is non-toxic, renewable, has excellent thermal inertia and stronger than concrete.

Do you want us to go on? It is also non-combustible, leaves zero construction waste and has negative embedded carbon, which roughly translates that at the end of its life cycle, the carbon dioxide gets absorbed in the land.

The time has come to opt for toxin-free, low energy methods of building. The main idea here is to “build with nature”.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

4. Hemp: The Trillion Dollar Crop

Gregg Moseley-Clarke, a former national rugby player is now a successful entrepreneur. He is the founder of Hemp Food Barbados and Sativa Botanicals along with 2 other hemp producing companies that mainly concentrate on food and cosmetics.

In this video, Gregg lays out the various benefits of hemp and how important it is for a clean, sustainable, non-destructive environmental future.

Imagine living in a world where from the plastic straw in your soda cup to your clothes and even your homes are made from plant-based technology. Amazing, isn’t it? The purpose of hemp is exactly that. Gregg focuses on these aspects and explains why hemp is a trillion-dollar crop.

Starting from pharmacology to industrial and agricultural, hemp can be used in different ways.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

5. Hemp as a Crop

Hemp is the type of crop that will feed, clothe, shelter and provide medicine for the people. This is advocated by Frances Tacy, the female pioneer of hemp in North Carolina.

For the last 80 years, cannabis had been banned in the US along with its legal cousin hemp. But the recent 2018 Farm Bill does not demonize the hemp plant anymore.

In this video, Frances shares some of her struggles like how she went from “pharma to farm” and is now recognized as the first woman farmer in North Carolina to openly advocate the uses of industrial hemp and even plant it.

Hemp has enormous environmental, economic and commercial potential and a crop like this makes farming a viable profession in the US.[/vc_column_text][tm_image align=”center” md_align=”center” image=”10034″ lg_spacing=”padding_bottom:30″][vc_column_text]We recommend you watching this video to get a clearer idea of hemp and its multitude of uses.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

6. Hemp: Educate, Innovate and Cultivate

“The greatest service that can be rendered to any country is to add a useful plant to its culture”- Thomas Jefferson.

In this video, Tony Budden, founder of the company Hemporium promotes the use of industrial hemp. It is an eco-friendly and sustainable plant that can be used from textiles, medicines, bio-plastics to construction material and even nutrition.

For starters, we urge you all to watch this video to get a basic idea of hemp and how it is different from marijuana. Educating yourself is the first step towards innovation and accepting this miracle plant in your life.

Tony has been a long-term advocate of hemp and in the year 2014 built a house out of it.[/vc_column_text][tm_image align=”center” md_align=”center” image=”10035″ lg_spacing=”padding_bottom:30″][vc_column_text]People all around buzzing with the talks of climate change and here we have this plant which can lock up carbon and clean the soil among a list of other things which you already know by now. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

7. Industrial Cannabis is a Super Cop: Here’s How We Can Use It

By point 7 of this article, you now probably have more than a basic idea of hemp and its variety of uses. This particular video is more centralized for the Indian subcontinent.

In this volume of TED talks, speaker Sumit Shah illustrates how producing hemp and the likes of other sustainable goods would have a positive effect on the Indian economy.

Sumit along with his few friends from college founded India’s first industrial hemp company called BOHECO. The main purpose of this company is to research and make hemp-based products for the people.

Did you know that Ajanta Ellora Caves in India used a lime-based binder along with hemp for its construction? That’s exactly the reason why it is still standing tall after 1500 years. There are other examples like these from all around the world.

Do add this video in your watch-list and find out why hemp is a super cop?[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

8. Hemp is the Key to the Future

Did you know that the fashion industry is the second most polluting industry in the world? Kyle Oliveira here wished to bring a change and made his own eco-friendly clothing company called Luxury Leaf.

If you are all about sustainable fashion, then the video here is for you. Kylie discusses how his company uses hemp over contemporary fabrics and further illustrates the myriad uses of this plant-based technology.

Take a look in your wardrobe and you will see that most of your clothes are made from cotton. But were you aware that cotton has been declared to be the dirtiest crop in the world?

Whereas hemp requires 4 times less amount than water and provides twice the textile deal. You see, it is sustainable and at the same time fashionable![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

9. Hemp: Food for Life

Hemp has been around for the last 10,000 years and has helped people for generations. But why it is now being underutilized in many third world countries? Or how will hemp be beneficial for society?

Cameron Sims, the founder of the rapidly growing hemp food company, Plant Culture, will answer all these.

Online media site, VICE, has crowned Cameron as the “King of Cannabis Cuisine” because of his variety of recipes that he makes using hemp seed and hemp oil.

As Cameron so eloquently puts, “Eating is necessary but eating intelligently is an art”. Trying to maintain a healthy, nutritious diet is something that most people deal with.

So, if you switch to hemp, thinking about what to eat next won’t be a major issue.

Why not give this informative video a watch to know more about the qualities of hemp and its by-products.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

10. How Hemp Can Build a New Agricultural Economy

Last but not least, we present to you with this TED Talks by Nathan Hall, who is the co-founder of the hemp company called Pine Mountain Remedies.

In this video, he primarily focuses on how hemp fits in this world of technology and climate change and can be used to boost the sustainable agricultural economy.

Like the other members in this list, Hall is also an advocate for hemp but mainly in the eastern Kentucky region. His company’s purpose is to grow, distribute and centralize the production of hemp in the region.

Watch this video to understand Hall’s perspective on why the production of hemp is so important for the geographic, cultural and climatic aspects of the region.

And there you have it folks, the top 10 Ted Talks on hemp. Hopefully, this article will provide you with a better understanding of the crop and its uses.

Our founding fathers, Washington and Jefferson had used hemp in their time and had acres of a field dedicated to its growth. Even China has been using it for centuries and it is only recently that the rest of the world has caught up.

Reading and watching videos on hemp is not the solution here. Why not share this article and the videos to educate the people around you regarding a sustainable form of living.

In this world of climate change and global warming, major strides are needed to be made for a better future.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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